Comedy Night at the
Club Braman Performance Theater
Comedy night at the Club Braman theater was a night full of crying and stomach pains…..the good ones of course. Club Members filled the room, grabbed a few appetizers and relaxed while drinking wine and beer. The event featured, the headliner, Dougie Almeida who brought along his comedian friends Perry Sak and Dan Long.
Dan Long kicked off the night with a few jokes that flew over the heads of our Club Braman members. As a few seconds passed, Club Members would burst into laughter. Dan then passed the torch to Perry Sak. Perry is a winner of the Mardi Gras Comedy Challenge and the host of “Nite Time Miami”. Perry, being from Boston, told some jokes about his experience here in South Florida and many were inside jokes that only a true “South Floridian” would understand.
Dougie ended the night with some playful jabs at our Club Braman members who were great sports! Be careful when you sit in the front row of a Club Braman comedy night….you could become part of the show!