e-Tech Simulation we focus exclusively in the simulation field as a training method for both apprentice as well as experienced personnel, providing them with opportunities to help improve their performance and achieve the company’s goals.
e-Tech designs and manufactures the simulators hardware at our headquarters in West Palm Beach. We customize the controls and electronics based on the clients’ specific needs and with our customers around the globe, the assembly takes place in key e-Tech facilities depending on the customers’ location.
Because we know the simulator is not only the hardware, we partner with world renowned simulation software companies to complete the systems. We at e-Tech also offer turn-key solutions called DIESeL (Dinamic e-Lab Simulation Education and Learning). Based on each client’s needs, the DIESel solution is design with areas and spaces in mind to reflect the required circulation flow for training and complement it with the match methodology and curricula to reach the company’s training goals. The development of training systems is a productive process that achieves optimal results for our clients.

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