Braman Motorcars provides a business listing service (“Braman Business Network” or “BBN”) to Braman Motorcars customers and “Club Braman” members. Companies and businesses included in the Braman Business Network may provide special offers, discounts, or other benefits to Braman Motorcars customers and Club Braman members, according to terms and conditions set by the BBN companies themselves. All Braman Motorcars customers and Club Braman members utilizing the Braman Business Network acknowledge, understand, and agree to all of the following terms and conditions: (a) BBN companies and businesses are separate and independent business entities from Braman Motorcars, and that the BBN business providing any offer, product, or service is solely responsible for the offer, product, or service that may be provided, and all of the terms and conditions by which such products or services may be provided; (b) Braman Motorcars is not responsible for any information, inaccuracies, or omissions stated or not stated by a BBN company or business, such obligation being solely that of the BBN listed company; (c) Braman Motorcars disclaims any and all warranties of any kind in connection with any BBN listed business or company, or any product or service that may be provided by a BBN business or company; and (d) the customer or Braman Club member releases Braman Motorcars, and its officers, employees, and agents, from any damages, claims, or liability, of any kind whatsoever, arising or resulting from, or connected to, any offer, product, or service that may be provided by any BBN company or business.